How do I choose an accelerometer sensitivity?

How do I choose an accelerometer sensitivity?

Accelerometers are offered in a range of sensitivities and the optimum sensitivity is dependent on the level of the signal to be measured e.g., in the case of a high g shock test, low sensitivity is desirable.

What is sensitivity of accelerometer?

Accelerometer Sensitivity: The ratio of change in acceleration (input) to change in the output signal. This defines the ideal, straight-line relationship between acceleration and output (Figure 1, gray line).

How do I increase the sensitivity of my accelerometer?

The sensitivity of the accelerometer is shown to increase under a large heating power. As shown in Figure 4b,c, increasing the heating power can raise the temperature difference in the cavity of the accelerometer, simultaneously providing high sensitivity.

Can you calibrate accelerometer?

Calibration may be done using the acceleration due to gravity. To calibrate the sensor for measuring acceleration in the horizontal direction, complete this procedure: Position the accelerometer with the arrow pointing down for the first calibration point.

What is the sensitivity of ADXL335?

The ADXL335 datasheet gives the device sensitivity for a supply voltage of 3 V. If we operate this sensor with a 3.6 V power supply, its sensitivity will be 360 mV/g. Accelerometer datasheets also specify the sensitivity variation with temperature as a percentage shift per °C.

What is the accuracy of an accelerometer?

Accelerometers can be used to make very accurate pedometers that can measure walking distance to within ±1%.

What are the disadvantages of accelerometer?

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Accelerometer sensor ➨An Accelerometer measures chance in velocity only. It does not measure a constant velocity. ➨An Accelerometer can not measure rotation around its own axis of movement. Due to this, it is used in conjunction with gyroscope to measure angular velocity.

What accelerometer do I need?

If measuring the motion of a car or a robot, ±2 g is recommended. In addition, if your project involves sudden starts or stops, consider an accelerometer that handles ±5 g or more. Greater sensitivity in the accelerometer results in more accurate readings, so the more sensitive, the better.

Does temperature affect accelerometer?

Accelerometers are mechanical systems so temperature will impact the device’s mechanical properties and thus the sensitivity of the accelerometer.

Are accelerometers accurate?

How does temperature affect accelerometer?

By changing the external ambient temperature, the output value of accelerometer fluctuates dramatically. For example, when the external ambient temperature is changing by 10°C, the variation difference of accelerometer output value is up to 0.5 mV.