Which Linux distro uses the least RAM?

Which Linux distro uses the least RAM?


Distribution Minimum system requirements Based on
Linux Lite RAM: 768 MB (2020) disk: 8 GB Ubuntu
Lubuntu RAM: 1 GB CPU: 386 or Pentium Ubuntu
LXLE RAM: 512 MB (2017) CPU: Pentium III (2017) Ubuntu LTS
Nanolinux RAM: 64 MB (2017) CPU: 486 Tiny Core Linux; MicroCore Linux with BusyBox.

What is the lightest fastest Linux distro?

Lightweight & Fast Linux Distros In 2021

  1. Bodhi Linux. If you’re looking for some Linux distro for an old laptop, there are good chances you’ll encounter Bodhi Linux.
  2. Puppy Linux. Puppy Linux.
  3. Linux Lite.
  4. Ubuntu MATE.
  5. Lubuntu.
  6. Arch Linux + Lightweight Desktop environment.
  7. Xubuntu.
  8. Peppermint OS.

Which Puppy Linux is the lightest?

Best Lightweight Linux distros for old laptops and desktops

  1. Tiny Core. Probably, technically, the most lightweight distro there is.
  2. Puppy Linux. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes (older versions)
  3. SparkyLinux.
  4. antiX Linux.
  5. Bodhi Linux.
  6. CrunchBang++
  7. LXLE.
  8. Linux Lite.

Is 512MB enough for Ubuntu?

Yes it can! Ubuntu Sys Req can help you out with everything you need.

Which is lighter Lubuntu or XUbuntu?

Most Lightweight System: Lubuntu is much lighter when compared to Xubuntu. Lubuntu uses very few system resources that mean it uses very few hardware requirements as it chooses the applications that need to be installed and hence it has the fewest applications installed and also uses less memory as in 256 MB.

Is Debian lighter than Ubuntu?

The answer is: yes, Debian is lighter than Ubuntu.

Can Linux run on 1GB RAM?

Absolute Linux Like Slackware, Absolute Linux can run on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, with support for Pentium 486 CPUs. 64MB of RAM is supported (1GB recommended) with 5GB of HDD space free for installation.

Should I use Xubuntu or Lubuntu?

Xubuntu is more elegant and better looking, and it comes with more features and is more user-friendly than Lubuntu which looks outdated and bare allowing very minimal customization. Unless you have a very old PC with some pretty old specification.