What supposed to do meaning?

What supposed to do meaning?

to be expected to do something
1 : to be expected to do something They are supposed to arrive tomorrow. She was supposed to be here an hour ago.

Is it supposed to or suppose to?

Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be used in that sense. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the verb meaning to assume (something to be true).

Where do we use supposed to?

Supposed to is used when we are talking about our obligations. Use supposed to when saying what is the best thing to do in a situation; the correct way of doing things. For example, use supposed to for cultural rules and expectations. “You are not supposed to talk loudly in a library.”

How do you use supposed in a sentence?

Supposed sentence example

  1. What was that supposed to mean?
  2. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend.
  3. I’m supposed to be taking care of you…
  4. It’s supposed to snow tonight.
  5. Alex was supposed to be sterile, but they had been wrong about that.
  6. What am I supposed to be doing?

Were you supposed to meaning?

Senior Member. 1- Is ‘was/were supposed to’ used to say what was or is expected or intended to happen, especially when it did not happen: I was supposed to go to London for a conference last week but then I got ill and couldn’t go.

What is that supposed to mean synonym?

what’s that supposed to mean? – phrase darn it​/​you​/​him etc. dear God. forever doing something. forget it. for goodness sake.

Is supposed to correct grammar?

Say What You’re Supposed To The short answer is that supposed to be is correct. That’s because the phrase translates into “expected to be,” which includes a past participle functioning as an adjective (expected).

What’s this word mean supposed?

adjective. assumed as true, regardless of fact; hypothetical: a supposed case. accepted or believed as true, without positive knowledge: the supposed site of an ancient temple. merely thought to be such; imagined: supposed gains.

Was supposed to or were supposed to?

Senior Member. That’s right. If you say “It was supposed to happen”, that means that it should have happened but it didn’t happen. If you say “It is supposed to happen”, that means that you believe that it will happen or should happen.

What does that even supposed to mean?

—used to express disagreement mixed with surprise in response to another person’s statement “He can be a little difficult.” “What’s that supposed to mean?”