What is the rarest colored diamond?

What is the rarest colored diamond?

What Are the Rarest Diamond Colors?

  • Red Diamonds. The rarest of all colored diamonds, only 20 to 30 natural red diamonds exist in the entire world.
  • Blue Diamonds. Also incredibly rare are blue diamonds, which have only been found naturally in mines in South Africa, India, and Australia.
  • Pink Diamonds.
  • Yellow Diamonds.

Which colored diamonds are the most expensive?

Despite the popularity of white diamonds, red diamonds take the prize for the most expensive diamond color. This is primarily due to their rarity. Red diamonds also differ in the source of their color from other colored diamonds.

Are colored diamonds more rare?

Are colored diamonds rare? Colored diamonds are extremely rare, and much more so than clear or colorless diamonds. In fact, the formation process of colored diamonds occurs so rarely in nature, that less than 1 carat of colored diamond is found for every 10,000 carats of clear diamonds mined.

What is the best Coloured diamond?

D colour diamond
D colour diamond is the highest grade and is extremely rare—the highest colour grade that money can buy. Eight percent of customers choose a D colour diamond.

Is there a red diamond?

Red diamonds are so rare that a shockingly low number of pure red diamonds actually are known to exist. Currently, only 20-30 pure red diamonds have been found, and most of those diamonds are less than half a carat in size. The expense of a red diamond is not just prestige.

What are GREY diamonds?

A gray diamond is a rare color of diamond — rarer than yellow or blue diamonds. This diamond comes in a variety of shades, from dark and dramatic to light and silvery. It can also be found with a speckled design (called salt-and-pepper diamonds) or a deep, metallic blue hue (called galaxy diamonds).

Is there a blue diamond?

Blue colored diamonds get their distinctive hue from invisible particles of a chemical element called “boron.” These tiny particles enter into the diamond crystal as it is being formed deep in the earth, turning it blue! So, there are natural blue colored diamonds.

Is Black Diamond rare?

Fancy black diamonds and Carbonados are both extremely rare. Only one in 10,000 natural diamonds are colored diamonds and only a portion of these colored diamonds are black. Because of their scarcity, natural black diamonds and Carbonados are the some of the most valuable and most costly.

Why are colored diamonds so rare?

Green diamonds get their color when radiation displaces carbon atoms from their normal positions in the crystal structure. This can happen naturally when diamond deposits lie near radioactive rocks, or artificially as a result of treatment by irradiation. Naturally colored green diamonds are extremely rare.

Is diamond color IJ Good?

For round brilliant cut diamonds, we think the J color grade can be an excellent choice. While J color diamonds do have a very slight color, the round brilliant cut’s facet pattern and its ability to reflect light means you won’t notice this color once it’s set in a solitaire ring.

Are D color diamonds worth it?

The difference that D color makes in your diamond’s appearance is more subtle than the cut quality or carat weight of your diamond. D color diamonds are valuable because they are rare, not because they are noticeably more beautiful than other colorless diamonds.

Do pink diamonds exist?

The majority of all pink diamonds mined come from one source in Australia, the Argyle Mine. Argyle Pink Diamonds are so expensive because of the very limited supply. A pink diamond is formed of only carbon like a white diamond, through millions of years in the kimberlite pipes of volcanoes.