What does Baper mean?

What does Baper mean?

too emotional
Baper (bä-pər) / too emotional Baper is a contraction of the phrase bawa perasaan, which translates to taking everything too personally or getting carried away with your emotions. It can be used for any emotion, but lately the narrative around this word has been revolving around romantic feelings.

How do you insult in Indonesia?

The most common insult in Indonesian might surprise you. Anjing!…As you can see, these normally wouldn’t be used in complete sentences.

  1. Gila kau! “You’re crazy!”
  2. Sialan! “You’re trash!”
  3. Bodoh sekali! “So stupid!”
  4. Kurang ajar! “You’re losing it!”

What does salting mean in slang?

The Oxford English Dictionary lists that the slang word salty means: angry, irritated or hostile. To undergo a sudden change of mood or outlook and to become annoyed or angry with someone are two meanings also found in the OED.

What is Gokil?

Gokil is used to describe things that exceed usual expectations. Gokil has the same meaning as gila, which translates to crazy, insane, awesome, wicked. For example, if you say, This is crazy!

Is Anjing a swear word?

As swearing word, the use of “Anjing” is similar to “Bangsat.” It is equivalent to say “SOB”, “b*stard”, or “sc*m” swear word in English. Another variation of the word “Anjing” is “Asu,” which also means “Anjing,” but in Javanese (local dialect of Java).

Is Goblok a swear word?

List of Common Indonesian swear words: Goblok! – stupid!

What is Anjing Goblok?

wild dog. Last Update: 2013-05-05.

What is Jajajaja?

media: 18781687. quicklist: 2title: Jajajaja text: Although the h and j are close together on your keyboard (we know you’re looking), jajaja is definitely not a typo. It basically means the person is laughing in Spanish.

Is Goblok a swear?

List of Common Indonesian swear words: Goblok! – stupid! Anjing!