What do you play roller hockey on?

What do you play roller hockey on?

wheeled skates
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Roller hockey is a form of hockey played on a dry surface using wheeled skates. It can be played with traditional roller skates (quad skates) or with inline skates and use either a ball or puck.

Is there offsides in roller hockey?

Unlike ice hockey, there are no blue lines or defensive zones in roller hockey. This means that, according to most rule codes, there are no offsides or icings that can occur during game play. This along with fewer players on the rink allows for faster gameplay.

Can you hit in roller hockey?

layers can neither hold the ball or puck nor can they pass it using their hands unless and until they are in defensive zone. Players are also prohibited from intentionally hitting the ball or pucks using their foot whereas unintentional hits are permitted.

Do roller hockey pants have pads?

These pants are not protective. Instead, they’re a covering for the girdle and shin guards, more accurately viewed as part of a uniform than as a piece of protective gear.

How long do roller hockey games last?

For USA Rollersports: regulation games are played in 2 periods of 20 minutes each with a 5-minute half-time break, after which the teams change ends. Each team is allowed a 1 minute time out per half. If a tie is allowed (depending on whether the game is a knock-out etc) the game ends.

What does Torhs stand for?


Acronym Definition
TORHS Tournament of Roller Hockey Series

Is roller hockey good for ice hockey players?

it’s GREAT for your Ice game! With so little practice time spent on individual creativity and a lack of frozen ponds where the kids can play for hours on end, the local hockey player is left without much opportunity to improve their individual creativity on the ice.