What are the three effects of acid mine drainage?

What are the three effects of acid mine drainage?

Problems associated with mine drainage include contaminated drinking water, disrupted growth and reproduction of aquatic plants and animals, and the corroding effects of the acid on parts of infrastructures such as bridges.

What is acid drainage and why is it dangerous?

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the runoff produced when water comes in contact with exposed rocks containing sulfur-bearing minerals that react with water and air to form sulfuric acid and dissolved iron. This acidic run-off dissolves heavy metals including copper, lead, and mercury which pollute ground and surface water.

Who does acid mine drainage affect?

Acid mine drainage can have severe impacts on fish, animals and plants. Many impacted streams have a pH of 4 or lower — similar to battery acid. For example, acid and metals runoff from the Zortman Landusky mine in Montana has harmed biological life in a dozen streams in the Little Rocky Mountains.

What are the environmental effects of AMD?

AMD severely degrades water quality, and can kill aquatic life and make water virtually unusable. AMD has been called the mining industry’s greatest environmental impact, especially to our waterways.

How does mining affect human health?

Living in heavily mined areas increases the risk of lung cancer and respiratory disease. Levels of exposure to pollution are highest in areas with the most mountaintop removal. Scientists found a direct link between dust from mountaintop removal and lung cancer.

What is acid mine drainage and how it affects human and environment?

Acid mine drainage is a worldwide problem, leading to ecological destruction in watersheds and the contamination of human water sources by sulfuric acid and heavy metals, including arsenic, copper, and lead.

What are the effects of acid water on humans animals and plants?

Acid rain leaches aluminum from the soil. That aluminum may be harmful to plants as well as animals. Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients from the soil that trees need to grow.

What are the effects of the acid water on humans animals and plants?

What is the biggest health risk of mining?

Miners are at risk of developing a lung disease called pneumoconiosis because of their exposure to airborne respirable dust. This type of dust includes extra fine particles that people can inhale into their lung tissue. Miners can also have an increased risk of dying from lung cancer.

What are the harmful effects of mining on the environment?

Mining can pollute air and drinking water, harm wildlife and habitat, and permanently scar natural landscapes. Modern mines as well as abandoned mines are responsible for significant environmental damage throughout the West.

How does acid mine drainage affect farming?

TAU SA: Mining has various material impacts on agriculture. Water pollution is an ongoing problem; acid mine drainage, already at unacceptable levels, has led to the contamination of groundwater reserves. Air pollution results in acid rain, which reduces the quantity and quality of crops.

How does acid rain affect human health?

Acid Rain Can Cause Health Problems in People Air pollution like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can cause respiratory diseases, or can make these diseases worse. Respiratory diseases like asthma or chronic bronchitis make it hard for people to breathe.