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Common questions

What are the ACTFL standards?

What are the ACTFL standards?

In 1986, ACTFL developed a set of global descriptions of linguistic performance for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. These descriptions of language ability came to be known as the “ACTFL proficiency guidelines”. These guidelines identify various stages of proficiency, as opposed to achievement.

What are the 5 C’s of ACTFL?

The five “C” goal areas (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) stress the application of learning a language beyond the instructional setting.

What is the ACTFL test?

The ACTFL Test of English Proficiency (TEP) is an, English language proficiency assessment that brings together three of ACTFL’s internationally recognized assessments (L&Rcat™, OPIc™, WPT™) to provide a valid and reliable measure of language proficiency in listening, reading, speaking and writing.

What are the three modes of communication ACTFL?

The ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners describe how language learners use language across three ranges of performance (Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced), in three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational), and according to certain language features.

What is the goal of ACTFL?

Providing vision, leadership and support for quality teaching and learning of languages, ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 13,000 language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry.

Is ACTFL national or international?

Organization. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is the nation’s premier organization for language teaching professionals, providing vision, leadership and support for quality language teaching and testing, as well as providing support to those who instruct and assess languages.

What is the goal of Actfl?

What is interpretive communication Actfl?

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

How much does an Actfl test cost?

There are no annual fees, no set-up charges, and no minimum quantity required. When paid by the institution, pricing follows a tiered structure, ranging from $5-$10 per test. Alternatively, students may purchase directly for $15 and their scores will still be reported to their institution via the LTI Client Site.

What is the Actfl oral proficiency interview?

The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a valid and reliable means of assessing how well a person speaks a language. The OPI is proficiency-based. It assesses the ability to use language effectively and appropriately in real-life situations. It assesses spontaneous unrehearsed language.

What is the purpose of Actfl?

What is the purpose of Actfl performance guidelines?

The ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners are designed to describe language performance that is the result of explicit instruction in an instructional setting.

What are the national standards for Disability Services?

The National Standards for Disability Services (National Standards) will help to promote and drive a nationally consistent approach to improving the quality of services. They focus on rights and outcomes for people with disability. The National Standards were first produced in 1993. They have been revised to

When does the national standards for Disability Services Act 2014 start?

Standard 1: Rights 7 Standard 5: Service Access 9 This determination is the Disability Services Act (National Standards for Disability Services) Determination 2014. This determination commences on 1 July 2014. 3 Revocation of the Disability Services Act (National Standards for Disability Services) Determination 2013

What languages has the national standards for Disability Services been translated into?

The National Standards for Disability Services has been translated into 15 languages – Arabic, Assyrian, Chinese (simplified), Croatian, Farsi, Greek, Khmer, Korean, Italian, Macedonian, Serbian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish and Vietnamese. Promotional posters for display in the workplace.

What are the changes to the Disability Services standards in 2015?

(4) From 1 January 2015, the Disability Services Standards (FaCSIA) 2007 and the Disability Services Standards (DEWR) 2007 are revoked. (5) Until and including 30 June 2015 the provider of an advocacy service may elect whether it is observing: (a) the Disability Services Standards (Advocacy Standards) (FaHCSIA) Determination 2012; or