What are 3 Potentially hazardous foods?

What are 3 Potentially hazardous foods?

Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHFs): Meat, fish, and poultry. Dairy products, including custard pies. Eggs (except for air-dried, hard boiled eggs with an intact shell)

What are 5 Potentially hazardous foods?

Potentially hazardous foods

  • raw and cooked meat, or foods containing meat such as casseroles, curries and lasagne.
  • dairy products such as milk, custard and dairy‐based desserts.
  • seafood (excluding live seafood)
  • processed or cut fruits and vegetables, such as salads.
  • cooked rice and pasta.

What are not potentially hazardous foods?

Examples of non-potentially hazardous foods are: dry baked goods, breads, cookies, fruit pies, jams, jellies, preserves, fruit butters, honey, sorghum, cracked nuts, dried herbs, packaged spices and spice mixes, dry cookie, cake, bread, and soup mixes.

What must food have to be potentially hazardous?

Potentially hazardous foods have certain characteristics that support the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the production of toxins. Factors affecting microbial growth include the nutrients, moisture, acidity (pH) and gas atmosphere of the food.

How can potentially hazardous foods be prevented?

Follow these tips:

  1. Keep hot food hot, by holding foods above the temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Keep cold food cold by storing and holding foods below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Have a food thermometer to check the temperatures of your food when cooking food or holding food.

Is potentially hazardous food usually moist?

Potentially Hazardous Food is a term used by food safety organizations to classify foods that require time-temperature control to keep them safe for human consumption. A PHF is a food that: Contains moisture – usually regarded as a water activity greater than 0.85. Contains protein.

When handling potentially hazardous foods What must be controlled?

Hot and Cold Holding of Potentially Hazardous Foods Food must be held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or higher before the food is removed from the temperature control.

How do you keep potentially hazardous food PHF safe?

What must you do to keep bacteria from growing on potentially hazardous food (PHF)? Keep them out of the Danger Zone between 41°F and 135°F, and test them with your food thermometer. When putting raw meat in a refrigerator, it is most important to put it: Below ready-to-eat foods.

Why are potentially hazardous food considered high risk?

The FDA Food Code currently defines high risk or potentially hazardous foods as any food that requires time/temperature control for safety to limit pathogenic microorganism growth or toxin formation.

Which is the most important way to keep potentially hazardous foods such as chicken or cut melon safe to eat?

Proper temperatures are required for the safety of potentially hazardous foods. A thermometer must be used to make sure that food is delivered, cooked, cooled, and stored at the correct temperature. Most bacteria do not grow in hot or cold temperatures. To keep food safe, cold foods must be kept 41°F or colder.

Why must potentially hazardous foods be cooked to proper temperatures?

Bacteria that cause food poisoning grow at temperatures between 45 degrees Fahrenheit and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The cooling requirement limits the length of time that potentially hazardous food is in the temperature range at which harmful bacteria can grow.

How do you keep potentially hazardous food safe?

Potentially hazardous foods requiring refrigeration must be cooled by an adequate method so that every part of the product is reduced from 120 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours, and from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below within four additional hours.