How do you treat extravasation of contrast?

How do you treat extravasation of contrast?

Consider the following treatment options for contrast extravasation:

  1. Try to aspirate the extravasated contrast medium through an inserted needle.
  2. Mark affected area.
  3. Use compresses, for relieving pain at the injection site.
  4. Use painkillers.
  5. Elevate the affected extremity above the level of the heart.

What is the recommended treatment protocol for extravasation?

At the first sign of extravasation, the following steps are recommended: (1) stop administration of IV fluids immediately, (2) disconnect the IV tube from the cannula, (3) aspirate any residual drug from the cannula, (4) administer a drug-specific antidote, and (5) notify the physician (Fig.

What is the first treatment for extravasation of contrast media during an IV injection?

The injection of hyaluronidase (enzyme that breaks down the connective tissue and helps the absorption of extravasated drugs by the vascular and lymphatic systems) has also been recommended for patients with large extravasation volumes.

What are the 2 types of extravasation which occurs upon IV contrast administration?


  • skin ulceration.
  • soft tissue necrosis.
  • compartment syndrome.

What is the first treatment for extravasation of contrast?

How Is Contrast Extravasation Treated? If contrast extravasation happens, we will have you raise your arm above the level of your heart and apply a cold compress to the IV site. An ice pack also helps to limit any pain you may have—both while you are at the medical center and over the next few days.

How is contrast reaction treated?

Administer oxygen 10-12 L by face mask, and intravenous isotonic fluid (eg, 0.9% isotonic sodium chloride solution, Ringer lactate solution). For severe reactions or unresponsive patients, administer intravenous atropine 0.6-1 mg, repeated every 3-5 minutes as needed until a total of 3 mg is administered.

What is the antidote for Dactinomycin?

3.3. 2 Antidotes and Treatments for Extravasation

Compress Required
Dactinomycin DAUNOmycin (DAUNOrubicin) DOXOrubicin Epirubicin Mitoxantrone COLD
VinBLAStine VinCRIStine Vinorelbine WARM

Is carboplatin a vesicant or irritant?

Chemotherapy vesicant & irritant properties and suggested management for extravasation

Drug Vesicant or Irritant
Bleomycin (Blenoxane) Irritant or neutral, depending on reference
Bortezomib (Velcade) Irritant
Busulfan (Myleran) Irritant
Carboplatin (Paraplatin) Irritant

What type of compress is used for IV infiltration?

Apply a warm or cold compress (depending on the fluid) for 30 minutes every 2-3 hours to help reduce swelling and discomfort. Medication-If recommended, medicine for extravasations is given within 24 hours for best effect.

What can contrast extravasation cause?

Extravasation of contrast is a possible complication of imaging studies performed with contrasts. Most extravasations cause minimal swelling or erythema, however, skin necrosis, ulceration and compartment syndrome may occur with extravasation of large volumes of contrast.

What is contrast medicine?

A contrast agent (or contrast medium) is a substance used to increase the contrast of structures or fluids within the body in medical imaging. Contrast agents absorb or alter external electromagnetism or ultrasound, which is different from radiopharmaceuticals, which emit radiation themselves.

How do you treat an IV contrast reaction?