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How do you cite a multivolume in MLA?

How do you cite a multivolume in MLA?

Begin by listing the author and the title of the essay. Then list the title of the individual volume as the title of the container, the names of the volume’s editors in the “Other contributors” slot, the publisher, the publication date, and the page numbers for the essay: Berger, André.

How do you cite a multivolume in MLA 8?

MLA Style Guide, 8th & 9th Editions: Multivolume Works

  1. Author.
  2. Title of source.
  3. Title of container.
  4. Contributors.
  5. Version.
  6. Number.
  7. Publisher.
  8. Publication date.

How do you cite an unpublished work MLA?

A works-cited-list entry for an unpublished student paper should include the author, title of the paper (in quotation marks), and date. The name of the course, the institution for which the paper was prepared, and the type of work can be provided as optional information at the end of the entry: Leland, Dina.

How do you cite a collected work MLA?

The basic form is for this sort of citation is as follows: Last name, First name. “Title of Essay.” Title of Collection, edited by Editor’s Name(s), Publisher, Year, Page range of entry.

How do you cite a multivolume work?

Vol. #, Title of Volume. Edited by First Name Surname. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.

What is a multivolume?

: published as two or more books : having more than one volume.

Can unpublished work be cited?

Unpublished research includes work in progress, work submitted for publication but not yet published, or work that has been completed but not submitted for publication. You will cite unpublished work the same as you would published work, with the author’s last name and the year the work is in progress or was completed.

How do you cite an unpublished work?

Author, (year written). Title [Unpublished manuscript]. Institution.

How do you cite a work in an Anthology?

MLA Citation — Work in an Anthology or Edited Book Last name of author, First name of author. “Title of the Part of the Book Being Cited.” Title of Anthology. Edited by First and Last Names, edition* (if any), Publisher, Date, Page(s).

How do you cite a collection in an essay MLA?

Last name, First name. “Title of Essay.” Title of Collection, edited by Editor Name(s). Publisher, Year, pp Page range of entry.

How do you cite a single volume of a multivolume work?

One Volume in Multivolume Works (Sec. 14.118-119) Surname, vol. volume # (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), pages.

How do you cite a multivolume in Chicago?

Multivolume Work (Citing All the Volumes) Author’s Last name, Author’s First Name. Title of Multivolume Work. Number of Volumes vols. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year(s) of Publication.