How do I practice white tantra?

How do I practice white tantra?

When practicing White Tantric Yoga, you are supposed to wrap the top of your head, not just the arc line around your temples, to contain the energy created during meditation and focus it toward the ajna chakra (the third eye chakra, or sixth chakra). In Kundalini Yoga, your turban is your crown.

What is the difference between red and white tantra?

White tantra is the solo practice, which incorporate yoga and meditation. Red tantra is the sexual practice. While both use sexual energy, the goal of the two practices is different. The goal of red tantra is to create a deeper bond with a partner, while white tantra is about creating a deeper bond with yourself.

What is GREY tantra?

It states that there are three types of Sexual Magic, or Tantra: Black, Grey, and White. Black Tantra involves the ejaculation of semen, and Grey Tantra sometimes concludes with orgasm or ejaculation, while White Tantra always opposes any loss of sexual energy whatsoever, in other words, without orgasm or ejaculation.

How do you live a Tantric life?

It is a practice of coming back to our centre, coming back to unconditional love. When you are no longer attached to pleasure and resistant to pain, you are Living Tantra. When you are rising in love and allowing your relationships to help you heal and grow, you are Living Tantra.

What is white Tantric yoga and its benefits?

White Tantric Yoga® is a powerful meditation practice that clears the subconscious mind, allowing prosperity, success, and happiness to flow freely into your life.

What is tantra coaching?

Tantra, Tantra Therapy, or a Tantra Coach can help you tap into your sexual energy to help you: Expand mind, body, and spirit. Use your powerful sexual energy to embrace life. Use it to heal old wounds and thought patterns.

What is the difference between Tantra and yoga?

Tantra gives you the freedom to act, knowing that freedom comes with responsibility. Yoga teaches suppression with awareness. Yoga asks you to be completely aware when you suppress your desires, greed, and ego.

What is the difference between Hatha yoga and tantra yoga?

Much tantra presented in the west focuses on sexual practices, which while part of the original tradition, is just a small part, not the whole thing. Hatha Yoga is a later development of tantra (probably around the 14th century). It’s really its own thing, but with mainly the same philosophical basis as tantra.

What is a tantric life?

To a tantric, life is not bondage but the gateway to freedom. To be born as a human is an opportunity to experience our oneness with Absolute Consciousness—our own inner divinity. God, Absolute Consciousness, deposited Her limitless power of creativity in each of us.

What is a tantric community?

Sadhaka tantric community. A Tantrica is someone who has an open heart, who is present with oneself, the other and their surroundings. They are conscious about what life has to offer and have a zest for life. Every situation is an opportunity to develop oneself, to give and to be open to the wonders of life.