How do arrow worms reproduce?

How do arrow worms reproduce?

Fertilization (FUR-teh-lih-ZAY-shun), or the joining of egg and sperm to start development, takes places inside the body after one worm places a sperm pouch on another worm, and the sperm move into the second worm’s body. In some species the fertilized (FUR-teh-lyzed) eggs are released into the water.

Are arrow worms predatory?

The Chaetognatha /kiːˈtɒɡnəθə/ or chaetognaths /ˈkiːtɒɡnæθs/ (meaning bristle-jaws) are a phylum of predatory marine worms that are a major component of plankton worldwide. Commonly known as arrow worms, about 20% of the known Chaetognatha species are benthic, and can attach to algae and rocks.

How big are arrow worms?

The size of arrowworms ranges from about 3 millimetres to more than 100 millimetres; species inhabiting colder waters generally are larger than those from tropical seas. Chaetognaths are simultaneous hermaphrodites (that is, each individual has both male and female sex organs, or gonads).

How do chaetognaths reproduce?

Reproduction in chaetognaths is unique. All chaetognaths are hermaphroditic, meaning they have both male and female parts. Eggs are formed in the trunk region of the body, whereas the sperm develop in the tail portion. Sperm can sometimes be seen swimming inside the tail portion of the body.

What do segmented worms look like?

Segmented worms have long and narrow bodies made of many linked sections called segments. These worms also have a head end and a tail end, meaning they are bilateral symmetry. Some of the segmented worms look like flatworms and roundworms, which are: cylindrical bodies and jelly-like.

Is chaetognaths gelatinous?

Other abundant holoplanktonic gelatinous species found here, such as the chaetognaths P. friderici and P. tenuis, also are quite common and abundant in most coastal and estuarine ecosystems from the southwestern Atlantic (Montú and Cordeiro 1988; Liang et al.

How are the arrow worms means of locomotion and feeding adaptive in their particular habitat?

How are the arrow worms’ means of locomotion and feeding adaptive in their particular habitat? They have tiny fins that enable swimming, but they mostly drift as part of the plankton community.