Only the fool needs an order — the genius dominates over chaos


Why is it called the repugnant conclusion?

Why is it called the repugnant conclusion?

The repugnant conclusion gets its name from the fact that it’s hard to accept.

What do we learn from the repugnant conclusion?

The Repugnant Conclusion is implicitly an account of conflict between different values and how we aggregate those values. The impossibility result is analogous to the violations of Arrow’s impossibility theorem studied in the social choice literature.

How repugnant is the repugnant conclusion?

Put differently, he embraces what philosophers call the “repugnant conclusion”: the idea that adding more humans with good lives is always valuable, and so we should aim for the biggest population we can support, even if that means average happiness goes down.

What should we agree on about the repugnant conclusion Utilitas?

The Repugnant Conclusion assumes that the size of potential populations is unbounded. It may be unrealistic that the much larger population in the Repugnant Conclusion could ever exist.

Was Derek Parfit a utilitarian?

Parfit was thus a utilitarian, in the sense that ethical preference should be given to greater numbers, even if that implies a reduction of our self interest. He hoped for impartial and impersonal ethics.

What is Parfit’s view on personal identity?

Given this, Parfit believes that it follows “that the fact of a person’s identity over time just consists in the holding of more particular facts.” (2) Parfit provides further arguments to show that the facts in question concern psychological continuity and/or connectedness, and thus that personal identity can be …

Can we avoid the repugnant conclusion?

According to the Repugnant Conclusion: Compared with the existence of many people who would all have some very high quality of life, there is some much larger number of people whose existence would be better, even though these people would all have lives that were barely worth living….Downloads.

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Mar 2022 4

What is morally repugnant mean?

1 : incompatible, inconsistent. 2 archaic : hostile. 3 : exciting distaste or aversion repugnant language a morally repugnant practice.

Was Derek Parfit autistic?

Richards believes Parfit had Asperger syndrome. Parfit supported effective altruism.

Did Derek Parfit have children?

He sank into a chronic depression that lasted until his death. About a year after Derek was born, the family left China. They settled in Oxford, and had a third child, Joanna. When Derek was seven, he became religious and decided to be a monk.

What is Parfit’s argument for bundle theory?

Bundle theory, as coined by Derek Parfit, is less focused on the substance which makes identity and more so on the togetherness of the experiences a person has. This is a powerful revelation as it leaves personal identity to the discretion of the self.

What is a branching case in regards to personal identity?

But, in the branching case, Parfit argues that we must take the importance that we attach to identity and attach it to each of the branch lines. In such a case, we must give up speaking of ‘identity’ but we mustn’t give up speaking of survival.