Which is the most powerful weapon in Hinduism?

Which is the most powerful weapon in Hinduism?

The Trident of Lord Shiva. The most powerful weapon in Hindu tradition, according to Shaiva traditions, infallible, cannot be stopped by anyone, except Lord Shiva himself and Goddess Shakti; the consort of Lord Shiva in Parvati form. However, it was once stopped by Atikaya, who caught hold of it in midair.

Can I get Pashupatastra?

It has no counter and the only way to counter it is Sampoorna sharaNagati to Srīman Nārāyana!! In my opinion, Arjuna would have won.

What is the weapon of Lord Rama?

In the Ramayana, a Brahmastra is used by Shri Rama several times: once against Jayanta when he hurt Sita, against Mareecha in their last encounter, and finally the Brahmastra was used in the last battle with the Asura emperor Ravana.

Who was the weapons guru of Dronacharya?

He was a friend of Guru Sukracharya, the guru of Asuras, including Mahabali. He was the son of the sage Bharadwaja and a descendant of the sage Angirasa. He was a master of advanced military arts, including the divine weapons or Astras.

Who used Brahmastra in Mahabharata?

It is recorded in the Mahabharata that Ashwatthama and Arjun used this weapon each other. It is thought that the Brahmashirsha astra is the evolution of the Brahmastra, 4 times stronger than the Brahmastra. It is similar to modern day hydrogen bombs or thermonuclear (fusion) bombs.

Which astra did Karna have?

Karna had all the astra from a normal arrow to All the Divya Astra. He was given all the astra by Bhagwan Parshuram himself. Along with that he was given a bow which was called Vijay Dhanush. The one who had that bow in his hand in the battle field could never loose.

Why Karna didnt use Brahmastra against Ghatotkacha?

Ashwathama was unable to do it despite being a Bhraman. Karna with lacklustre and material life cannot even think of calling the sent astras as he dont fit to the above mentioned criteria.

Did Arjuna used Pashupatastra?

Pashupatastra is the most destructive, powerful, irresistible weapon mentioned in the Hindu mythology. In Mahabharata, only Arjuna; and in Ramayana, sage Vishvamitra and Rama possessed Pashupatastra.

Who has Pashupatastra?

In Mahabharata, only Arjuna; and in Ramayana, sage Vishvamitra and Rama possessed Pashupatastra. It is one of the six Mantramukta weapons that cannot be resisted.

Who can stop Pashupatastra?

Pashupatastra is the most destructive, powerful, irresistible weapon mentioned in the Hindu mythology. In Mahabharata, only Arjuna; and in Ramayana, sage Vishvamitra and Rama possessed Pashupatastra. It is one of the six Mantramukta weapons that cannot be resisted.

Did Arjuna used Pashupatastra on Jayadratha?

Arjun used pashupatastra against jayadratha like karn used Shakti astra against Ghatochak.