What type of organisms produce galls?

What type of organisms produce galls?

Galls are abnormal plant growths caused by insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Galls can be caused by feeding or egg-laying of insects and mites.

What insect causes Leafs?

Galls are formed mainly by gall midges and some other flies (Diptera), gall wasps (Hymenoptera), and mites (Acarina), but are also caused by aphids (Homoptera), sawflies (Hymenoptera), and a few moths (Lepidoptera) and beetles (Coleoptera).

Are all algae aquatic?

The majority of algae live in aquatic habitats (Current Biology, 2014). Yet, the word “aquatic” is almost limited in its ability to encompass the diversity of these habitats. These organisms can thrive in freshwater lakes or in saltwater oceans.

Is bryophyte a phylum?

Mosses (Phylum Bryophyta) may be found all around the world and inhabit diverse habitats. Habitats range from exposed rock types, shaded coniferous forests, to bogs.

What are plant galls?

Galls are abnormal, vegetative growths that are usually formed as a response by plants to the action of fungus, mites, or insects such as wasps, aphids, and true bugs. Galls can be formed in the leaves, petioles (stem) of leaves, twigs, buds, or on the roots.

What are oak leaf galls?

Oak galls are abnormal plant growths found on foliage and twigs that are produced by small oak gall wasps. Shapes of galls vary from spherical to urn-shaped to star-shaped to fuzzy. Inside the galls are the eggs and larvae of the insects.

Why do wasps produce galls?

The overgrowth of tissue, or gall, presumably is caused by a substance secreted by the immature insect living within it. Adults of most of the approximately 600 species of gall wasps that occur in North America are about 6 to 8 mm (about 0.25 to 0.30 inch) long and black.

What are the green balls on leaves?

Leaf galls are a disturbing sight but are not usually as serious as they appear. These bumps and deformities are generally the result of feeding insects or some other foreign organism such as bacteria, fungi, mites, nematodes, and even viruses.

Is kelp a seaweed?

Kelp is a large, brown seaweed that typically grows in shallow saltwater near coastal areas around the world. You can eat it raw, cooked, as a powder, and it’s included in a number of supplements.

Is cyanobacteria prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Cyanobacteria, and bacteria in general, are prokaryotic life forms. This basically means that their cells don’t have organelles (tiny structures inside cells that carry out specific functions) and do not have distinct nuclei—their genetic material mixes in with the rest of the cell.

Is bryophyte a Homothallic?

The bryophytes show alternation of generations – the haploid gametophyte (producing gametes for sexual reproduction) alternates with diploid sporophyte (producing spores for asexual reproduction). Gametophytes homothallic or heterothallic.

Are ferns bryophytes?

No, ferns are not bryophytes. They are pteridophytes. They are non-flowering, vascular plants. Unlike bryophytes, they possess true roots, stem and leaves.

What is an example of a nonvascular plant?

This includes everything from higher structured forms of green algae, which have plant-like characteristics, to mosses ( Bryophyta ), liverworts ( Marchantiophyta) and hornworts ( Anthocerotophyta ). Members of these groups, which live in both marine environments and on land, are considered a nonvascular plant.

Is Moss a vascular or nonvascular plant?

Moss is a nonvascular plant found worldwide. Moss is often one of the only plant types to colonize certain areas, including areas with poor soil. Moss typically grows in wet, damp areas. This is not always the case. Moss has colonized most environments, from the cold Artic to the dry desert.

Is algae considered a nonvascular plant?

Not all algae is considered a nonvascular plant. Typically, only those algae found in the clade Viridiplantae are considered nonvascular plants. However, the evolutionary relationships between algae and land plants are not entirely clear.

Why are vascular plants more successful than nonvascular plants?

While having vascular tissues does help a vascular plant distribute water, vascular plants are not necessarily more successful than a nonvascular plant. Using other evolved techniques, a nonvascular plant can be found in areas which few vascular plants could colonize.