What number is treinta?

What number is treinta?

30 – treinta. 31 – treinta y uno.

What comes after Treinta?

1 – 100 Spanish Numbers

1 uno 2 dos 5 cinco
11 once 12 doce 15 quince
16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 20 veinte
21 veintiuno 22 veintidós 25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis 27 veintisiete 30 treinta

What are ordinal numbers in English?

We can use ordinal numbers to define their position. The numbers 1st(First), 2nd(Second), 3rd(Third), 4th(Fourth), 5th(Fifth), 6th(Sixth), 7th(Seventh), 8th(Eighth), 9th(Ninth) and 10th(Tenth) tell the position of different floors in the building. Hence, all of them are ordinal numbers.

What are the first 10 ordinal numbers in Spanish?

Ordinal Numbers 1-10

English Spanish
Seventh Séptimo
Eighth Octavo
Ninth Noveno
Tenth Décimo

Which is correct 3rd or 3th?

3rd = third (Take the third turning on the left.) 4th = fourth (It’s his fourth birthday.)

What is cardinal number example?

We can write cardinal numbers in numerals as 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on as well as in words like one, two, three, four, and so on.

What number is after Diez?

These you do need to memorize, and the numbers from one to ten are as follows: uno (1), dos (2), tres (3), cuatro (4), cinco (5), seis (6), siete (7), ocho (8), nueve (9), and diez (10). We suggest that you practice them by saying them out loud a number of times.

What are the numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish?

Lesson Review In this lesson, we learned the vocabulary and pronunciation for the numbers 1-10 in Spanish: uno (ooh-no), dos (dohs), tres (trays), cuatro (kwah-troh), cinco (seen-koh), seis (says), siete (syay-tay), ocho (oh-choh), nueve (nway-vay), diez (dyays).