What is the meaning of Kshanti?

What is the meaning of Kshanti?

patience, forbearance and forgiveness
Kshanti (Sanskrit kṣānti) or khanti (Pāli) is patience, forbearance and forgiveness. It is one of the pāramitās in both Theravāda and Mahāyāna Buddhism.

What is Pragya in Buddhism?

Prajñā (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञा) or paññā (Pāli: पञ्ञा), is a Buddhist term often translated as “wisdom”, “intelligence”, or “understanding”.

What is energy in Buddhism?

Vīrya (Sanskrit; Pāli: viriya) is a Buddhist term commonly translated as “energy”, “diligence”, “enthusiasm”, or “effort”. It can be defined as an attitude of gladly engaging in wholesome activities, and it functions to cause one to accomplish wholesome or virtuous actions.

What is Ksanti Paramita?

Ksanti—patience or forbearance—is one of the paramitas or perfections that Buddhists are taught to cultivate. Ksanti Paramita, the perfection of patience, is the third of the Mahayana paramitas and the sixth of the Theravada perfections. (Ksanti is sometimes spelled kshanti or, in Pali, khanti.)

What are the 10 Paramitas?

The 10 Paramitas are Generosity, Moral Integrity, Renunciation, Wisdom, Persistence, Patience, Truthfulness, Determination, Loving-kindness, and Equanimity. They each inform and help us develop our best qualities, so we can be of benefit to ourselves and all beings.

What does Panna mean in Buddhism?

In Sanskrit and Pali, This Is the Word for Wisdom Prajna is Sanskrit for “wisdom.” Panna is the Pali equivalent, more often used in Theravada Buddhism. But what is “wisdom” in Buddhism?

How is meditation practiced in Buddhism?

For Buddhists, the realm of meditation comprises mental states such as calm, concentration and one-pointedness (which comprises the six forces: hearing, pondering, mindfulness, awareness, effort and intimacy).

What is Sila paramita?

Sila Paramita: Perfection of Morality An enlightened being is said to respond correctly to all situations without having to consult a list of rules. In the practice of sila paramita, we develop selfless compassion. Along the way, we practice renunciation and gain an appreciation for karma.

What are the 10 perfections?

The ten perfections in the Theravāda tradition are (1) generosity (dāna), (2) morality (sīla), (3) renunciation (nekhamma), (4) insight (pañña), (5) energy (viriya), (6) patience (khanti), (7) truthfulness (sacca), (8) resolution (adhiṭṭhāna), (9) loving-kindness (metta), and (10) equanimity (upekkhā).

Is sunyata a nothingness?

Śūnyatā (Sanskrit: शून्यता, romanized: śūnyatā; Pali: suññatā) pronounced in English as /ʃuːnˈjɑː. tɑː/ (shoon-ya-ta), translated most often as emptiness, vacuity, and sometimes voidness, is a Buddhist concept which has multiple meanings depending on its doctrinal context.