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Common questions

What is the difference between Crystallised and Uncrystallised pension?

What is the difference between Crystallised and Uncrystallised pension?

These are money purchase pension funds that have not been crystallised. The main difference between crystallised and uncrystallised funds is that the former have been tested against the Lifetime Allowance, the latter have not, but will be at some future date.

What happens when you crystallize your pension?

A crystallised pension is the opposite of an uncrystallised pension, which is the name for a pension that hasn’t been cashed in via drawdown or an annuity. Crystallising your pension is the process of freeing up your investments and obtaining access to your pension savings.

What does amount Crystallised mean?

The crystallised value for a defined contribution scheme (also known as a money purchase scheme) is the amount of the fund taken and for a defined benefit scheme, also known as a final salary pension, it is 20x the pension taken plus the tax-free cash.

What does benefit crystallisation mean?

Benefit crystallisation event. Crystallised amount. 1. Movement of money or assets held under a money purchase arrangement into drawdown. The total value of the amount moved into drawdown pension.

What are Uncrystallised funds?

Refers to pension savings you haven’t accessed yet in any way (so no lump sums, income etc). Meaning your money hasn’t been taxed yet. Whenever you take money from your pension pot, it’s worth being aware of the tax you’ll likely have to pay.

What is an Uncrystallised lump sum?

Overview. Uncrystallised funds pension lump sum (UFPLS) allows pension holders to withdraw some or all of their uncrystallised funds as a lump sum. Within the limitations of the Lifetime Allowance, 25% of the UFPLS will be paid tax free, with the balance taxed as pension income at the point of withdrawal.

Can I transfer a Crystallised pension?

When crystallised pension funds are transferred from one scheme to another, they can only be transferred on a ‘like-for- like’ basis. When it comes to drawdown transfers, this means the transfer will either be a capped-drawdown-to-capped- drawdown transfer or a flexi-access-drawdown-to-flexi-access-drawdown transfer.

What is a Crystallised account?

For the uninitiated, when talking about pensions, ‘crystallised’ simply means you have decided which retirement income route you are going to take with your funds. For example, you can crystallise funds by buying an annuity or keeping your pot invested through drawdown.

Do I have to Crystallise my pension at 75?

Regardless of whether the benefits are uncrystallised or in drawdown after age 75, the beneficiary will be subject to income tax on any benefits taken. Death after age 75 is not a benefit crystallisation event so there is no lifetime allowance tax charge payable on death after age 75.

How does a drawdown pension work?

How income drawdown works. Income drawdown is a way of getting pension income when you retire while allowing your pension fund to keep on growing. Instead of using all the money in your pension fund to buy an annuity, you leave your money invested and take a regular income direct from the fund.

What does an Uncrystallised pension mean?