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What is serous pleural fluid?

What is serous pleural fluid?

The pleural cavity is a space between the visceral and parietal pleura. The space contains a tiny amount of serous fluid, which has two key functions. The serous fluid continuously lubricates the pleural surface and makes it easy for them to slide over each other during lung inflation and deflation.

Is Transudate serous?

Serous: a transudate with mainly edema fluid and few cells. Serosanguinous: an effusion with red blood cells. Fibrinous (serofibrinous): fibrin strands are derived from a protein-rich exudate.

What causes exudate effusion?

Common causes of exudates include pulmonary infections like pneumonia or tuberculosis, malignancy, inflammatory disorders like pancreatitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, post-cardiac injury syndrome, chylothorax (due to lymphatic obstruction), hemothorax (blood in pleural space) and benign asbestos pleural effusion.

What is effusion drainage?

Key points. A drainage catheter meant for a pleural effusion is a small tube inserted into the pleural space that will drain the fluid that is making your child feel short of breath. The drainage catheter helps children manage recurrent build up of fluid in the pleural space at home.

How serious is draining fluid from lungs?

It has to be done slowly, because draining a large amount of fluid too quickly can make your blood pressure drop suddenly making you feel faint. Also the lung expanding too quickly can make you more breathless.

How serious is fluid on the lungs in elderly?

It’s fairly common for seniors to suffer from fluid in the lungs, but getting a good prognosis depends on understanding the underlying cause. Most cases are the result of heart problems, which is why acute pulmonary edema has a one-year mortality rate of about 40% for elderly patients.

What is transudate fluid?

A transudate is a filtrate of blood. It is due to increased pressure in the veins and capillaries that forces fluid through the vessel walls or to a low level of protein in blood serum. Transudate accumulates in tissues outside the blood vessels and causes edema (swelling).

What is the difference between transudate and exudate fluid?

“Transudate” is fluid buildup caused by systemic conditions that alter the pressure in blood vessels, causing fluid to leave the vascular system. “Exudate” is fluid buildup caused by tissue leakage due to inflammation or local cellular damage.

How is exudative pleural effusion treated?


  1. Thoracentesis. If the effusion is large, your doctor may take more fluid than they need for testing, just to ease your symptoms.
  2. Tube thoracostomy (chest tube). Your doctor makes a small cut in your chest wall and puts a plastic tube into your pleural space for several days.
  3. Pleural drain.

What is exudate fluid?

Exudate is fluid that leaks out of blood vessels into nearby tissues. The fluid is made of cells, proteins, and solid materials. Exudate may ooze from cuts or from areas of infection or inflammation. It is also called pus.

Can fluid around the lungs be cured?

You can have treatment to stop fluid from building up and help relieve symptoms. This treatment is called pleurodesis. It seals the space between the tissues covering the lung by using sterile talc to make them inflamed so they stick together.