What is palatal throat form?

What is palatal throat form?

On the basis of angular relationship, soft palate is classified as type I, II, or III depending upon the angle formed by soft palate with hard palate, that is, type I > 10, type II = 10–45, and type III > 45 degrees. This angular relationship is called palatal throat form [12–14].

How do you record posterior palatal seal?

 The trial base is trimmed till the posterior border.  The anterior vibrating line is marked in the patient’s mouth using an indeloble pencil. While recording the anterior vibrating line,the patient should perform the Valsalva maneuver. The markings are transferred to the master cast.

What is the posterior palatal seal area?

The posterior palatal seal area is defined as the soft tissue area at or beyond the junction of the hard and soft palates on which pressure within physiologic limits can be applied by a removable complete denture to aid in its retention.

What is House classification?

In 1950, House[2,3] devised a classification system in which he classified the patient’s psychological responses to becoming edentulous and adapting to dentures into following four types: Philosophical mind, Exacting mind, Hysterical mind, and Indifferent mind.

What is palatal vault?

The palatal vault is the curvature of the maxillary palate, also called the hard palate. The growth of the maxilla (upper jaw) and the hard palate is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors, and begins transversely. Then, it grows in length and finally in height.

What is lateral throat form?

Introduction: Lateral throat form is an area situated at the distal end of the alveololingual sulcus. Its synonyms are distolingual vestibule and retromylohyoid fossa.

Why is posterior palatal seal important?

The posterior palatal seal (PPS) is an important structure aiding in retention of maxillary complete denture. Failure to properly record it may lead to seal failure, decrease retention and physiological violation of palate.

How is posterior palatal seal measured?

1 as a posterior bead extending across hamular notches, and anterior line is beaded at 5–6 mm distance from the distal line. Extending from the midline between anterior and posterior vibrating lines, the distance should be 2–3 mm. A single bead PPS having anterior extensions for additional air seal.