What is erythropoietin and what is its function?

What is erythropoietin and what is its function?

Abstract. Erythropoietin (Epo), which is produced by the kidney in the adult and by the liver in the fetus, increases red blood cells by supporting the survival of erythroid progenitor cells and stimulating their differentiation and proliferation via binding to Epo receptor (EpoR).

What is the mechanism of action for EPO?

Erythropoietin (EPO) interacts directly with the EPO receptor on the red blood cell (RBC) surface, triggering activation of several signal transduction pathways, resulting in the proliferation and terminal differentiation of erythroid precursor cells and providing protection from RBC precursor apoptosis.

What is EPO drug good for?

EPO and Blood Doping EPO is a naturally occurring hormone in the body that stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red cells. Medically, it is given to patients with anemia of chronic disease whose bone marrow is suppressed to help them have more energy and increase daily function.

What does it mean when your erythropoietin is high?

Having higher levels of erythropoietin in the blood may be a sign that the body is not getting enough oxygen, however. This may be due to a low red blood cell count from anemia or another condition. On the other hand, low levels of erythropoietin in the blood in someone with anemia may be a sign of other issues.

Why do athletes use EPO?

Athletes using EPO do so to encourage their bodies to produce higher than normal amounts of red blood cells to enhance performance. Synthetic oxygen carriers. These are chemicals that have the ability to carry oxygen.

What is high EPO?

Increased EPO level may be due to secondary polycythemia. This is an overproduction of red blood cells that occurs in response to an event such as low blood oxygen level. The condition may occur at high altitudes or, rarely, because of a tumor that releases EPO.

Why is EPO low in polycythemia vera?

Primary polycythemia (polycythemia vera) is a neoplastic (clonal) blood disorder characterized by autonomous production of hematopoietic cells. Increased RBCs result in compensatory suppression of EPO levels.

What are the indications for erythropoietin?


  • Anaemia of chronic renal failure.
  • Chemotherapy-induced anaemia in non-myeloid malignancy.
  • Increasing yield of autologous blood collection.
  • Prevention of anaemia of prematurity where birth weight is 750–1500 g and gestational age <34 weeks.

How does EPO improve performance?

EPO stimulates the production of red blood cells in bone marrow and regulates the concentration of red blood cells and haemoglobin in the blood. This is useful for athletes, since red blood cells shuttle oxygen to the cells, including muscle cells, enabling them to operate more effectively.

What causes high erythropoietin levels?

What body systems does erythropoietin regulate?

The Many Facets of Erythropoietin Physiologic and Metabolic…

  • Erythropoietin is the hormone that regulates the daily production of 200 billion new red blood cells in the human body.
  • Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein produced primarily in the fetal liver and adult kidney to regulate red blood cell production.