What is Corometrics?

What is Corometrics?

The CorometricsTM 250cx Series maternal/fetal monitoring system is a full antepartum/intrapartum fetal monitor that includes innovative features that helps you deliver a high quality birthing experience and enhanced patient care.

What is corometrics 170 series?

Corometrics* 170 Series monitors are designed to provide the information to make quick, accurate and cost-effective clinical assessments. These compact and lightweight monitors are designed to support you, from prenatal visits in the office or high risk pregnancy ward to labour and delivery in hospital.

How do you read an NST contraction?

When you’re looking at the screen, the fetal heart rate is usually on the top and the contractions at the bottom. When the machine prints out graph paper, you’ll see the fetal heart rate to the left and the contractions to the right. Sometimes it’s easier to read printouts by looking at them sideways.

What is the Toco reading when in Labour?

The intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions varies between approximately 5-25 mm Hg (a measure of pressure). For comparison, during true labor the intensity of a contraction is between 40-60 mm Hg in the beginning of the active phase.

What number is considered a contraction?

Contractions in active labor generally last between 45 to 60 seconds, with three to five minutes of rest in between. In transition, when the cervix dilates from 7 to 10 centimeters, the pattern changes to where contractions last 60 to 90 seconds, with just 30 seconds to 2 minutes of rest between.

What is a normal contraction number?

During normal labor, the amplitude of contractions increases from an average of 30 mm Hg in early labor to 50 mm Hg in later first stage and 50 to 80 mm Hg during the second stage. The uterus is not a flaccid sac but has baseline tone.

How high do contractions get on Toco monitor?

During normal labor, the amplitude of contractions increases from an average of 30 mm Hg in early labor to 50 mm Hg in later first stage and 50 to 80 mm Hg during the second stage.

How can you tell if labor is close?

What are the signs of labor?

  1. You have strong and regular contractions. A contraction is when the muscles of your uterus tighten up like a fist and then relax.
  2. You feel pain in your belly and lower back.
  3. You have a bloody (brownish or reddish) mucus discharge.
  4. Your water breaks.

How strong should contractions be?

The contractions become more regular until they are less than 5 minutes apart. Active labor (the time you should come into the hospital) is usually characterized by strong contractions that last 45 to 60 seconds and occur 3 to 4 minutes apart.

What are early contractions like?

Early labor contractions may feel as if you have an upset stomach or trouble with your digestive system. You may feel them like a tidal wave because they increase and finally subside gradually. Some women feel intense cramps that increase in intensity and stop after they deliver.