What does Shigella Sonnei look like?

What does Shigella Sonnei look like?

Shigella sonnei is named for the Danish bacteriologist Carl Olaf Sonne. It is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped, nonmotile, non-spore-forming bacterium.

What is the shape of Shigella dysenteriae?

Shigella dysenteriae is a species of the rod-shaped bacterial genus Shigella.

How do you identify a Shigella?

Shigella species are urease negative. Urease positive samples are non-shigella species. Shigella species that are oxidase and urease negative should follow the Carbohydrate fermentation test (Manitol). A negative Carbohydrate fermentation test (Manitol) indicates Shigella dysenteriae.

What is Ekiri syndrome?

Background: Ekiri syndrome or lethal toxic encephalopathy is a complication of shigellosis with dysentery, hyperpyrexia, seizures, headache and altered level of consiousness, which rapidly progresses to death.

Where is shigellosis found?

Shigella is found in the stool (feces) of infected people, in food or water contaminated by an infected person, and on surfaces that have been touched by infected people. Shigellosis often occurs in toddlers who are not fully toilet-trained.

Who is shigellosis?

Shigella bacteria cause an infection called shigellosis. Most people with Shigella infection have diarrhea (sometimes bloody), fever, and stomach cramps. Symptoms usually begin 1–2 days after infection and last 7 days.

Where is shigellosis endemic?

isolated in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Shigella spp. are detected in the stools of 5%–18% of patients with travelers’ diarrhea, and studies in Australia and Canada found that 40%–50% of locally diagnosed shigellosis cases were associated with international travel.

What bacteria causes shigellosis?

Shigella bacteria cause an infection called shigellosis. Most people with Shigella infection have diarrhea (sometimes bloody), fever, and stomach cramps.

What antibiotics treat Shigella?

The following antibiotics are used to treat Shigella dysentery:

  • Beta-lactams: Ampicillin, amoxicillin, third-generation cephalosporins (cefixime, ceftriaxone), and pivmecillinam (not available in the United States)
  • Quinolones: Nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin.
  • Macrolides: Azithromycin.

Is shigellosis a zoonosis?

Shigellosis is the most frequently identified cause of diarrhea in these animals, and is a significant zoonotic disease. Acute shigellosis in nonhuman primates is often fulminant and fatal.

How is shigellosis treated?


  1. People with Shigella infection should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  2. People with bloody diarrhea should not use anti-diarrheal medication, such as loperamide (Imodium) or diphenoxylate with atropine (Lomotil).
  3. Antibiotics can shorten the time you have fever and diarrhea by about 2 days.

Is the antibiotic recommended for the prompt treatment of shigellosis?

The WHO recommends treating all cases of bloody diarrhea as suspected shigellosis and recommends treatment of shigellosis with ciprofloxacin and with three second-line antibiotics; pivmecillinam, azithromycin and ceftriaxone [10].
