What does Kirito say at the end of SAO season 2?

What does Kirito say at the end of SAO season 2?

Which translated means “Thank you Kayaba Akihiko” I’ve played it over and over again and that’s all I can get put of it.

What does Kirito say at the end of SAO season 1?

A Promise Well-Kept. At the end of SAO Season 1, Kirito said that he had kept his promise and survived. He directed these words towards Sachi, and it is assumed that it was her name that he spoke.

What is Kirito’s quote?

“You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world.” – Kirito.

What did Sachi whisper to Kirito?

The message told him that she had already known of his higher level and also told him not to blame himself for her death, which she had predicted would happen due to her nature. She requested Kirito to survive in the world of SAO, and to find the reason why such a world was built.

What were Sachis last words?

“Kirito!” Sachi, whose actual last words are inaudible. “AAAHHH! MY HAND!

What is kirito’s full name?

Kazuto Kirigaya
Kazuto Kirigaya (桐ヶ谷 和人, Kirigaya Kazuto), born as Kazuto Narusaka (鳴坂 和人, Narusaka Kazuto), is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Sword Art Online series of light novels written by Reki Kawahara.

What was Sachis last words?

“Kirito!” Sachi, whose actual last words are inaudible. “AAAHHH! MY HAND! MY HAND, MY HAND!!” Oberon, Sugou’s ALO avatar, after getting his arm chopped off by Kirito after he is lent Kayaba’s system administrator status to take Oberon down.

Did Klein use the revival item?

It is unknown if Klein used this item or not in the canon version of the story. However, in Chapter 9 of the 4koma manga version of SAO, once Kirito handed the item to Klein, he was hit by a monster and died, thus Klein had to immediately use the item to revive Kirito.
