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What degree is a Grade 2 liver laceration?

What degree is a Grade 2 liver laceration?

AAST Liver Trauma Classification Grade II: hematoma: subcapsular 10-50% surface area; intraparenchymal <10 cm diameter; laceration: capsular tear 1-3 cm parenchymal depth, <10 cm in length.

What is a Grade 5 liver injury?

grade V. laceration: parenchymal disruption involving >75% of hepatic lobe. vascular: juxtahepatic venous injuries (retrohepatic vena cava / central major hepatic veins)

What is a Level 4 laceration?

Grade 4: Laceration involving the collecting system with urinary extravasation; any segmental renal vascular injury; renal infarction; renal pelvis laceration and/or ureteropelvic disruption. Grade 5: Shattered or devascularized kidney with active bleeding; main renal vascular laceration or avulsion.

What is the ICD 10 code for liver injury?

Unspecified injury of liver, initial encounter S36. 119A is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

Is a Grade 3 liver laceration minor or moderate?

The WSES Classification divides Hepatic Injuries into three classes: Minor (WSES grade I). Moderate (WSES grade II). Severe (WSES grade III and IV).

What is a moderate liver laceration?

Moderate: Laceration involving parenchyma but without major disruption of parenchyma (less than 10 centimeters long and less than three centimeters deep)

How long does it take for grade 4 liver laceration to heal?

Healing of a simple liver laceration and subcapsular hematoma occurs in 2 to 4 months, whereas complex injuries require up to 6 months.

How serious is a Grade 5 liver laceration?

Abstract. Background: Despite recent advances in the management of severe hepatic injuries, the operative mortality rate of grade V hepatic injuries still ranges from 67% to 80%. Grade V hepatic injuries involving the retrohepatic cava or main hepatic veins are almost always lethal, especially those from blunt trauma.

What is a Grade 3 renal laceration?

Grade 3: Laceration > 1 cm without urinary extravasation. Grade 4: Laceration involving the collecting system with urinary extravasation; any segmental renal vascular injury; renal infarction; renal pelvis laceration and/or ureteropelvic disruption.