What are the turkey legs at the Renaissance festival made of?

What are the turkey legs at the Renaissance festival made of?

Ohio Ren Fest’s legs can be so large, it’s not unusual for Bucholtz to hear rumors that the legs are in fact not turkey, but actually are Emu legs.

Why do Renaissance fairs have turkey legs?

The prevalence of turkey legs at medieval fairs can be mostly attributed to four things: they are economical, they are easy to carry around the fair, they are tasty, and everyone has seen at least one painting of Henry VIII holding one.

Did people eat turkey legs during the Renaissance?

You may be wondering what people ate and how food was prepared in Renaissance England. Of course they didn’t go around munching on turkey legs like we see at modern Renaissance Faires; turkeys came from the new world and didn’t exist in Europe at that time.

How much is a turkey leg at the Renaissance?

$9 a piece
Renaissance revelers enjoy jumbo turkey legs for $9 a piece during the 2019 festival. Splintered lances fly through the air during a jousting collision. Three rounds of King of the Log only cost $1.50 per couple, making it one of the best value games at the festival.

Is a turkey leg actually turkey?

According to The Spruce Eats, the leg is comprised of the turkey from the thigh to the meat below the knee. It is made up of generally thigh and drumstick and being that it is dark meat, it is much less expensive than white turkey breast.

Why do turkey legs taste like ham?

Ever wonder why so many smoked game birds look and taste like ham, instead of like pheasant, turkey, duck, quail, or whatever else they’re supposed to be? The answer is sodium nitrite, a salt often used to cure meats, which acts as a preservative to keep meat fresher longer. Typically, it is added to a soaking brine.

Are fair turkey legs actually turkey?

Are Disneyland turkey legs actually turkey?

False. Those massive turkey legs are actually turkey legs. If they were actually emu legs, they would be even bigger. An Emu is only a little smaller than an ostrich.

What are turkey legs really made of?

Were there turkey legs in medieval times?

It turns out that, “despite their popularity among the crowds at medieval fairs, turkey legs would not have been found anywhere in Europe during the middle ages.” C’mon, get it together reenactors!

Are turkey legs at the fair EMU?

Are Disney turkey legs real?