Only the fool needs an order — the genius dominates over chaos


Should fascinator be same Colour as dress?

Should fascinator be same Colour as dress?

For the majority, the most important thing to consider when choosing a fascinator is the colour and because wearing a fascinator expresses your delight in dressing up, we recommend either picking a colour to match the dress or opt for an accent colour if the dress has more than one colour.

Which side of your head should you wear a fascinator?

While you can wear a fascinator on either the right or left side of your head, traditionally, a fascinator is worn on the right-hand side of your face. Fascinators arguably look best when worn immediately above the eyebrow.

What should a fascinator match?

Keep in mind that bright colors in your clothing should be matched also with a fascinator in bright colors. Pastel colored fascinators will compliment outfit in softer, neutral shades. Try to match the shade of white in your clothing and in the fascinator.

Can you wear a fascinator to an evening wedding?

Fascinators can be worn for the whole day. (And they don’t give you Hat Hair!) Fascinators look lovely at both the service and at an evening reception.

Do you keep a fascinator on all day at a wedding?

Traditionally the mother of the bride removes her hat after the meal when the men would take off their jackets. But for less formal weddings, when you are eating outside, or from a buffet, ladies can remove their hats after the ceremony.

Can you wear a fascinator to a funeral?

Fascinators & Hats for Funerals A black funeral hat or black hair fascinator is a popular accessory to wear at funerals, but how we dress for a funeral is often dictated by the wishes of the deceased so it is always best to check first.

Which side do you wear a Hatinator?

As long as you’re able to securely fasten the fascinator to your head, how you style your hair is up to you. Just keep in mind that, traditionally, they’re worn on the right-hand side.

Do you have to wear a fascinator to the races?

Unfortunately, no, the races will not understand. Headwear is a must and these days there are so many options, you don’t really have an excuse. If an extravagant hat isn’t your jam, try a straw boater, embellished headband or hair comb.

How do I style my hair with a fascinator?

Generally fascinators tend to look best when worn to the side or the back of the head. A flattering look on most people is to line up the fascinator with one eye, tilted slightly forward and positioned just above the brow.