How tall is an average Asian man?

How tall is an average Asian man?

Average heights for men in 15 countries

Country Average Height
Iran 5 ft 8.3 in (173.6 cm)
China 5 ft 7.6 in (171.8 cm)
Japan 5 ft 7.2 in (170.8 cm)
Mexico 5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)

What’s the average Asian height?

Surveys and studies

Country / region Average male height Average female height
China 167.1 cm (5 ft 6 in) 155.8 cm (5 ft 11⁄2 in)
China 169.7 cm (5 ft 7 in) 158 cm (5 ft 2 in)
China 172.6 cm (5 ft 8 in) 160.6 cm (5 ft 3 in)
Colombia 170.6 cm (5 ft 7 in) 158.7 cm (5 ft 21⁄2 in)

How tall is the average Filipino man?

5 feet 4.25 inches
Philippines — 156.41cm (5 feet 1.57 inches) The average Filipino man is 163.22cm (5 feet 4.25 inches) tall. The average Filipino woman is 149.60cm (4 feet 10.89 inches) tall.

How tall are Japanese males?

The average height for a man in Japan is 5 ft 7.4 inches (171.2 cm) which is not that short and is similar to the average male’s height in America which is 5 ft 10.2 inches (178.2 cm).

Are Filipinos the shortest Asians?

According to a study that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations DNA conducted, Filipinos are the second shortest race in the region. Indonesians are the only people who are shorter than Filipinos in Southeast Asia.

How tall is the average Italian man?

Country Average male height Average female height
Italy – South 174.2 cm (5′ 8.0″) 160.8 cm (5′ 3.3″)
Japan 171.2 cm (5′ 7.4″) 158.8 cm (5′ 2.6″)
Korea, South 175.26 cm (5′ 9″) 162.56 cm (5′ 4″)
Lithuania 176.3 cm (5′ 9.4″)

Can a Filipino be 6 foot?

The Filipinos have different considerations of what is tall for females and males. Generally, women above 5’5 to 5’7 feet tall and men above 6 feet are considered tall in the Philippines.

How tall are Japanese people?

Some people might be surprised that the average height is still relatively tall! According to Japan’s National Health and Nutrition Survey, the average height was still only 160.3cm (5’2”) for men and 148.9cm (4’9”) for women – that’s an increase of about 10 centimeters in the span of almost 70 years.

Why are Filipino people small?

Filipinos are short because of the impact of poverty and malnutrition on generations of Filipino children. The Philippine population is currently tied for the second shortest in Southeast Asia with Vietnam, and just ahead of Indonesia. All the other Asean countries have taller populations.

What is the average height in Philippines?

5 feet 1.57 inches
An average Filipino is 156.41cm (5 feet 1.57 inches) tall. The average Filipino man is 163.22cm (5 feet 4.25 inches) tall. The average Filipino woman is 149.60cm (4 feet 10.89 inches) tall.