How far is Chandigarh from Ambala?

How far is Chandigarh from Ambala?

Distance Between Ambala to Chandigarh

Distance between Ambala to Chandigarh by Road is 48 Kms
Distance between Ambala to Chandigarh by Flight is 40 Kms
Travel Time from Ambala to Chandigarh by Road is 0:54 hrs
Nearest Airport in Ambala Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.38, 76.78)

What is the difference between Ambala and Chandigarh?

Ambala is located in India at the longitude of 76.78 and latitude of 30.38. Chandigarh is located in India at the longitude of 76.78 and latitude of 30.73 . Driving Distance : 45 KM and 14 meters / 28 miles. Straight Line Distance : 39 KM and 500 meters / 24.5 miles.

What is the distance between Ambala and Chandigarh is approximately 50 km a car starts from Ambala?

Distance Covered by Ambala to Chandigarh Cab The distance between Ambala to Chandigarh by car is around 46 km.

How can I reach Ambala?

How to Reach

  1. By Air. The nearest airport is Chandigarh International airport is at a distance of 46 kms from Ambala City. For more information, please contact the airlines.
  2. By Train. Ambala junction is connected by a good railway network.
  3. By Bus. Ambala is on the National Highway No.

Why is Ambala famous?

Ambala is also known for its large Indian Army and Indian Air Force presence within its cantonment area which was established in the year 1843. The cantonment houses the ‘2 corps’, one of the three strike corps of Indian Army and is of immense strategic importance.

How much time Volvo take from Chandigarh to Delhi?

about four to 5 hours
How long will it take to travel from Chandigarh to Delhi by Volvo? The distance from Chandigarh to Delhi is 261 km. Volvo buses usually take about four to 5 hours to cover this distance.

How far is Shimla from Chandigarh by road?

112 Kms
Distance Between Chandigarh to Shimla

Distance between Chandigarh to Shimla by Road is 112 Kms
Distance between Chandigarh to Shimla by Flight is 56 Kms
Travel Time from Chandigarh to Shimla by Road is 2:25 hrs
Nearest Airport in Chandigarh Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.73, 76.78)

Are buses running from Ambala to Chandigarh?

Several private and RTC buses have started running on Ambala to Chandigarh post Covid-19 lockdown. You can check the total number of available buses by selecting the date of travel on Ambala to Chandigarh route and book the most suitable bus ticket.

Which airport is near Ambala Cantt?

Chandigarh International Airport
Nearest Airport: The airport nearest to Ambala is Chandigarh International Airport, which is located at a distance of 42 kilometres from the city.

Where is Ambala Air Force Base?

The Ambala Air Force Station is an Air Force base situated north of the urban Ambala Cantt area in Haryana, India. The Ambala Air Force Station is the home to the first batch of advance multirole fighter jet Dassault Rafales that have been inducted to Indian Air Force.

What is special in Ambala city?

Rani Ka Talab. Rani Ka Talab is a 400 year old scenic and historic pond and is situated in Ambala Cant and is manned by the army.

  • Sisganj Gurudwara. Photo by Supreet Sethi, CC BY-SA 3.0.
  • Jain Mandir. Chintamani Sri Parshavnath Jain Mandir is one of the finest temples of Ambala.
  • Holy Redeemer Church.
  • Hanuman Mandir.
  • Which is the famous fruit of Ambala?

    Some of the famous fruits of the Ambala is ; Apple,Mango,Dragonfruit,Hybrid -Muskmelon etc. All the fruits are selled through local market and national market.