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Helpful tips

How do you fix a patchy spray tan on your hands?

How do you fix a patchy spray tan on your hands?

How to fix patchy tan

  1. Gently buff away excess tan. Excess tan often settles onto dry areas, like the elbows, knees, ankles, hands and feet, causing patchiness.
  2. Exfoliate the skin.
  3. Fill in the gaps.
  4. Always use a tanning mitt.
  5. Opt for a gradual self tanner.

How do you keep your hands from getting blotchy after a spray tan?


  1. Moisturize your hands and cuticles before applying self-tanners.
  2. Wash hands with your strongest hand or dish soap immediately after application of self-tanner.
  3. Apply with a mitt.
  4. Lemon Juice can help.
  5. We also love baby wipes to help remove tanner if you happen to have them around.

How can I even out my hand tan?

If your hands came out darker than the rest of your body, try this DIY lightener: Mix one teaspoon of baking powder with half a teaspoon of water and two teaspoons of lemon juice until a paste forms. Rub it onto your hands for about three minutes, then remove it with a warm washcloth. Repeat if needed.

Is it normal for a spray tan to look blotchy?

A Blotchy Tan can have a wide range of causes, but it very rarely the solution. Assuming the product is spraying evenly from your spraygun (your gun adjustments will control this) and assuming the solution product is not excessively old or damaged – the cause normally lies outside the solution bottle.

Should I wash my hands after a spray tan?

But, showering right after getting a spray tan is not the time for harsh scrubbing or exfoliating. Instead, gently use the back of your hand with an oil-free body wash to rinse the surface solution off. Avoid bar soaps or soaps that strip your skin with harsh chemicals.

How long leave fake tan on hands?

Just simply apply the mousse, leave up to 5 minutes and wash your tan away.

Why does my spray tan look blotchy?

Uneven Fade/Patchy Skin: When your skin dries faster than it normally would, patches and discolorations develop in your spray tan. This can also occur if you sprayed over an existing/old tan without properly exfoliating beforehand.

Will a spray tan even out tan lines?

An all-over fake tan application is sadly not going to help those tan lines, shares Brown. “[Fake] tan works like foundation – it adds colour and evens out your skin tone.

Why does fake tan stick to spots?

These spots are not caused by sunless tanning use, but are the result of skin aging. They may temporarily become visible with regular self-tanner use, because the “spot” is temporarily darkening from the use of self-tanners. The color is more concentrated in this area.