Only the fool needs an order — the genius dominates over chaos


How do you beat the Star Forge in Kotor?

How do you beat the Star Forge in Kotor?

There are generally two methods to this fight. If you are very good at hand-to-hand combat (lots of strength, you’re a Jedi Guardian), then you’ll want to stim up and take it to Darth Malak with your lightsaber. Mixing in Jedi powers can help, but also costs time and Dark Force powers aren’t that effective on Malak.

How do you beat Darth Malak on the Star Forge?

The key to defeat Malak is embracing the Jedi Philosophy – Peace (also known as running away). When you damage him and he drains one of the captives, just ignore him and use Drain Life ( I used Death Field, which could “kill” two Jedi Captives at once) on the others. When he runs out of Life Stock, run towards him.

What is the Star Forge in Kotor?

The Star Forge was a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. It was constructed by the Rakatan Infinite Empire in 30,000 BBY, five thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Republic.

Can you turn Bastila to the dark side?

Bastila: They speak of the dark side as if it something to be feared. But in reality their only goal is to manipulate those who are strong in the Force. The fear of the dark side is a tool to maintain control….Bastilaedit.

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Who can you romance in Kotor?

Who Can You Romance In KOTOR? There are nine companions that can be recruited in KOTOR but only three of them can be romanced. Those three companions are Bastila, Carth and Juhani.

How did bastila Shan turn to the dark side?

Bastila Shan tortured. After a duel, Shan was defeated and captured by Malak who took her to Lehon, where she rejected Malak’s continued attempts to turn her. But after subjecting her to torture for a week, Malak eventually succeeded in forcing her to give in to her hate and fall to the dark side.

Was Darth Revan a Mandalorian?

The Force user has embraced both the Light and the Dark Sides, putting his strengths to good use on the battlefield no matter where he aligned. Aside from being a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars, Darth Revan has a much deeper connection to Mandalorian culture that you likely never noticed.

Did Revan become mandalore?

His actions during the Mandalorian Wars have made him possibly the most important Mandalore to have lived. Mandalore’s mask would fall into the hands of Revan, who took it after slaying the warlord. This effectively fragmented the Mandalorian clans, as the mask was the symbol that unified them.

Can you romance Bastila light side?

Those three companions are Bastila, Carth and Juhani. Unfortunately, the game does not let you romance either Mission or Canderous who at first seem like they could be good romance options. For whatever reason though, the game won’t let you and only the above three can actually be romanced.

What is the Star Forge in Star Wars?

The Star Forge was sought after by the Sith Emperor. When Revan and Malak visited Dromund Kaas after the Mandalorian Wars and were corrupted by the dark side, he bid them to find it for him.

How do you get Revans robes in Kotor?

Adds Revans Robes created on the Star Forge from the first KotOR game as workbench crafted items. This will install a modified version of the Robes created on the Star Forge from the first KotOR game. The robes give the player the appearance of the Masked Revan model without a cape (cape version can be installed optionally).

Can the Star Forge be light sided?

Although the Star Forge was an artifact of the dark side, a console on Deck 2 could create light sided Star Forge Robes. Shortly after the redeemed Jedi Revan entered Deck 2, Darth Malak was told that Revan was on board. In response, Malak sent a garrison of Sith troopers and Dark Jedi to attack Revan.

How to find Darth Malak in Star Forge?

Obviously if you’ve taken the Dark path, Bastila will in fact be on your side and no one will need to go “looking for Bastila.” Your goal is to find Darth Malak, but the path is almost identical for most of the Star Forge. Make certain you have Bastila in your group. HK-47, as always, is a wise choice as your third character.