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How do I find ATO details?

How do I find ATO details?

  1. Look on your income tax notice of assessment or other letters from us.
  2. Look on a payment summary (provided by your employer) or your super statement.
  3. If you have a myGov account linked to the ATO, you can access your TFN online.
  4. Ask your tax agent (if you use one)

What is ATO and TFN?

A tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and superannuation systems. It is free to apply for a TFN. Your TFN is: an important part of your tax and super records.

How do I access my ATO prefill report?

You can access pre-filling reports from 2009 to the current year in Online services for agents or the practitioner lodgment service (PLS). Select the relevant income year report for information.

Can the ATO tell me my TFN?

Find your TFN If you already have a TFN and don’t remember the number, you can find it online in ATO online services via your myGov account. If you don’t have a myGov account, you can usually find your TFN on: your income tax notice of assessment, if you have lodged a tax return.

How can I check my tax file number?

To find your tax file number, call the ATO on 13 28 61.

How can I find my tax file number?

Your TFN will be listed on the following documents:

  1. Your income tax “notice of assessment” from a previous year.
  2. Any correspondence sent to you from the ATO.
  3. A payment summary from your employer.
  4. An account statement from your superannuation fund.

How do I find my tax file number?

You might want to rifle through your paperwork and check the following, as your TFN should be on them:

  1. your income tax “notice of assessment” for a previous year.
  2. any correspondence sent to you from the ATO.
  3. a payment summary from your employer.
  4. an account statement from your superannuation fund.

What is the meaning of ATO?


Acronym Definition
ATO Assemble To Order
ATO Authority to Operate
ATO Accredited Training Organisation
ATO Approved Training Organization

How do I Download a pre-filling report?

In the Tasks bar, click Download & Save to download the pre-fill report. In the Return Details section, the Pre-fill Status will update as the download completes. See Pre-fill Status in Navigating the Pre-fill Manager. Once the pre-fill report is ready, click the Open link in the Pre-fill Report field.

When did Ato prefill start?

Single Touch Payroll (STP) It is advisable to wait until the income statement is finalised before completing your client’s tax return. STP will pre-fill: from 1 July 2019 – for small employers with 19 or less employees. from 1 July 2018 – for large employers with 20 or more employees.

How do I get my tax file number if I forgot it?

If you can’t find your tax file number, we suggest:

  1. Looking on your income tax notice of assessment or other letters from us.
  2. Looking on a payment summary (provided by your employer) or your super statement.
  3. If you have a myGov account linked to the ATO, you can access your TFN online.
  4. Ask your tax agent (if you use one)

How do I recover my tax number?

If you have forgotten your tax number you can request it from SARS in various ways:

  1. Send them a query.
  2. You can get it on eFiling if you are registered as an eFiler.
  3. You can also request your notice of registration via the MobiApp if you are a registered eFiler.