How are Grand Chapter officers elected?

How are Grand Chapter officers elected?

The Grand Board shall have the power, by majority vote, to fill any vacancy caused by the death, resignation or removal of any national officer. The member elected for such vacancy shall serve until his successor is elected and qualified at the next regular Grand Chapter meeting.

How do you become a Nupe?

To be considered for membership, a candidate must have at least a 2.5 gpa on a 4.0 scale. For consideration into Kappa Alpha Psi on the alumni level, one must possess at least a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent of such a degree from an accredited college or university.

What is the grand chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi?

Grand Chapter is the body of living members who were ever initiated into Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, without distinction to class of membership (undergraduate, alumni, or honorary) or geography.

How do you become a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi grad chapter?

– Must have earned a Bachelor’s Degree or it’s equivalent. – Must have three written recommendations from financial members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. – Must have two recommendations from Community Leaders. – Must attend information meeting conducted by Houston Alumni Chapter.

Where is the Kappa Alpha Psi conclave 2021?

The Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated welcomes Kappas, Silhouettes, family and friends to the 2021 Kappa Conclave in Phoenix, Arizona. Bookmark and revisit this site for more information about the meeting and events.

Why is the society called Kappa Gamma Pi?

The original name has been retained because of its importance in the Society’s history. However, both non-Catholics and men are welcomed to the membership of Kappa Gamma Pi each year. The motto of the Society is Faith and Service.

Can non-Catholics join Kappa Gamma Pi?

However, both non-Catholics and men are welcomed to the membership of Kappa Gamma Pi each year. The motto of the Society is Faith and Service. Membership in Kappa Gamma Pi is a promise for the future, to continue in service to church and community.

When was the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity founded?

Since the fraternity’s founding on January 5, 1911 at Indiana University Bloomington, the fraternity has never restricted membership on the basis of color, creed or national origin.