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Can you bury a shipping container home?

Can you bury a shipping container home?

A shipping container is extremely sturdy but it was never designed to be buried. It’s certainly not strong enough to withstand the constant pressure of dirt pushing on the sides or the roof. If the roof or sides cave in slightly, you could face serious problems, including cracks, rust, rodents and water getting in.

How long will a shipping container last buried?

People bury shipping containers for different reasons. While some may do so to secure more storage to stash valuables, others may be looking for a safe space from natural disasters. A shipping container will typically last about fifteen years for either application.

Can I live in a shipping container on my own land?

If you are placing the container onto your own farmland to live in, you may need to seek planning permission for a change of use to your property from Agricultural to Residential. We’ve said it before, and we will say it again – always check with your Local Planning Authority beforehand to avoid upsets later.

How do I reinforce a shipping container to bury?

Bury the Container in an Upside Down Position When used as an underground bunker, the roof bears more weight from the dirt above. Burying the container upside down will help to provide the structural support it needs at the top. It will also prevent the floor from warping when the container settles to the ground.

How deep can you bury a shipping container?

As a rule of thumb it’s best to leave four feet on each side of the container, including the front and back. So, for a 20′ container you’ll want to the hole to be 28′ long, and 16′ wide, the depth depends on how much of the container you’d like to leave above the surface.

Do you need planning permission for a underground bunker?

Unlike Building Regulations, there are no exemptions under the Planning Acts that permit nuclear shelters or similar structures to be constructed. As a result, planning permission would be required.

Do I need planning permission to put a container on my land?

Shipping containers are classified as temporary structures and so you do not normally need planning permission.

Do container houses need planning permission?

Container housing often does not need planning permission because it is not considered to be permanent.

Can I put a storage container on my land?

Since containers can be placed directly on the ground, there’s no need to install supports — hence no need to dig. Again, you’ll need to check with your local government to make sure you stay legal and up to code.