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Can Rey be a Kenobi?

Can Rey be a Kenobi?

There was actually a subtle hint about it in The Force Awakens. Instead of being related to Emperor Palpatine, perhaps Rey was actually meant to be a Kenobi. Two very specific scenes in The Force Awakens hinted at the fact that Rey could be a Kenobi.

Is Rey A Kenobi or a Skywalker?

While the Skywalker bloodline is technically gone, Rey honors her fallen mentors, Luke and Leia, by adopting their family name. When asked who she is by the old woman on Tatooine, the former Palpatine declares herself Rey Skywalker, and she becomes a new part of the family.

Why did he change his name to Ben Kenobi?

In the novel Kenobi, it’s revealed that he took that name because that’s what Duchess Satine Kryze used to call him, and he fell in love with her when he and Qui-Gon Jinn were assigned to protect her.

Was Obi-Wan talking to Rey?

As one of the best-known Jedis, Obi-Wan Kenobi offered support to both Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker. Now, he offered that same guidance to Rey as she faced the sith lord. “There are your final steps, Rey,” he said. “Rise and take them.”

What voices does Rey hear in the force awakens?

Here’s every Jedi voice Rey hears in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, who they are, and what they say.

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi. “These are your final steps, Rey.
  • Anakin Skywalker. “Rey…
  • Ahsoka Tano. “Rey.”
  • Kanan Jarrus. “Rey…
  • Luminara Unduli. “The light.
  • Qui-Gon Jinn.
  • Aayla Secura.
  • Mace Windu.

What were Obi-Wan Kenobi’s last words?

“If You Strike Me Down, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Could Possibly Imagine.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi. While facing former apprentice Darth Vader in battle, Obi-Wan Kenobi sacrificed his life.

Is Rey Obi-Wan’s daughter?

No. Rey is the daughter of a failed Palpatine clone. However, there is the matter of Korkie Kryze. Duchess Satine and Obi wan are shown to have had at least a bit of a relationship shown in the clone wars, as he said he would have left the Jedi for her.

Is Obi-Wan Rey’s dad?

Yet years later, when Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, answered the question of Rey’s parentage, Obi-Wan was nowhere to be seen. In a convoluted, controversial twist, Rey’s father was revealed to have been a descendant of Emperor Palpatine, who sought to turn his granddaughter to the Dark Side once and for all.

Why does Obi-Wan call himself?

Ben Kenobi was the name Obi-Wan took as a disguise during his days on Tatooine. To the people there he was a crazy old hermit. He did this to avoid being found by the Empire who were conducting genocide on the Jedi even post Order 66. Luke knew him as a kid and even growing up was used to calling him Ben.

Why does Obi-Wan not remember R2?

Note that he says nothing about not recognizing R2; his clever dodge gives the impression that they’re strangers, but doesn’t actually deny knowing the little astromech. Thus, there really isn’t a “contradiction” in the first place—Obi-Wan was just being his cunning self.