Only the fool needs an order — the genius dominates over chaos


Can humans join Tau?

Can humans join Tau?

Those humans who have joined the Tau empire have been provided with the technology required to prevail on the Tau frontier. They have limited production capabilities, allowing them to construct equipment ranging from simple farming tools to a copy of the standard issue Imperial lasgun.

What do Tau call Space Marines?

Terms and words

Tau term common translation, usual meaning, notes
Gue’la Human
Gue’ron’sha Space Marines
Gue’vesa Human auxiliary troops which are loyal to the Tau empire
Gue’vesa’la Soldier of the Gue’vesa

Are Tau good or evil?

The Tau are often seen as being a ‘good’ race, but they are not. Granted, they might be the one race that is closest to what we percieve as ‘good’, but they show now mercy or pity towards those who disagree with their philosophy, & the ‘choice’ they give to other races is no real choice at all.

Do Space Marines join the Tau?

Not likely unfortunately. Space marines are born and trained only for war and battle much like orks which is why they have no lasting place in the tau empire and the greater good.

Do the Farsight enclaves have humans?

As its name implies, it is home to the Gue’vesa population of the Enclaves, those humans who for various reasons have turned their back upon the Imperium of Man and pledged themselves to the service of the Greater Good.

How long does a Tau live?

A recent experiment, by Gary Feldman, George Trilling and their collaborators at the PEP electron‐positron collider at SLAC has determined the lifetime of the tau. They find it to be (4.6±1.9)×10−13 sec, a value entirely consistent with the universality of the weak interaction.

What do Nicassar look like?

Jervis Johnson described as Nicassar as flat, round, floating polar bears. One of the best known ships built by the Nicassar are the Dhows.

What do female Tau look like?

So, thanks to Shadowsun, we know what a female Tau looks like – they have more delicate, feminized features, and they have a Y shaped breathing slit where the males have a vertical slit.

How tall is the average Tau?

With an average height of 5’5, they have a humanoid body plan, though unlike humans they possess digitigrade legs which end in cloven hooves.