Is Nidalee good for solo queue?

Is Nidalee good for solo queue?

Nidalee Why she sucks in solo queue: Once again, this is a champion that is very difficult to operate and pilot for regular players. Just clearing jungle camps with Nidalee can be difficult for lower-elo players and you really need to know your spots when you choose to jump in after landing a spear.

Why is Nidalee considered hard to play?

You must be watching not only the enemies’ health bars, but their positions, positions of enemy minions, allies’ health bars, position of jungle creeps, and since you’re a jungler, health of objectives. This makes Nidalee tough to play.

How hard is it to learn Nidalee?

Nidalee is easy to pick up, but her skill set makes her very hard to master.

What roles can Nidalee play?


Role Popularity Winrate
Jungler 91.5% 47.0%
Support 3.8% 45.6%
Top 3.0% 50.0%
Mid 1.5% 55.6%

What is Nidalee’s clear?

Nidalee is a very high skill champion because her initial jungle clear is slow and leaves her on low health, making her vulnerable to invades. On top of that, she also doesn’t deal a lot of damage during the early game. This means that it’s not preferable to duel the enemy jungler unless you’re in a favorable matchup.

What kind of Jungler is Nidalee?

snowbally carry jungler
Nidalee is a snowbally carry jungler with extremely fast clears and great ganks. She has decent early burst, being able to bully a lot of weak junglers early on, and also has the ability to jump on enemies from long range due to her Javelin Toss.

Is Nidalee JG good?

Nidalee is a snowbally carry jungler with extremely fast clears and great ganks. She has decent early burst, being able to bully a lot of weak junglers early on, and also has the ability to jump on enemies from long range due to her Javelin Toss.

Which Nidalee skin is the best?

1. Snow Bunny Nidalee. Snow Bunny Nidalee is a basic skin with a re-texture.

Where do u start with Nidalee?

The standard jungle start for Nidalee. Refillable Potion is extremely cost efficient on junglers who can clear safely without using a third potion, which Nidalee does well.