What is the default padding of body?

What is the default padding of body?

In most major browsers, the default margin is 8px on all sides. It is defined in pixels by the user-agent-stylesheet your browser provides.

How do I add padding to UL?

To create space between list bullets and text in HTML, use CSS padding property. Left padding padding-left is to be added to

    tag list item i.e.

  • tag. Through this, padding gets added, which will create space between list bullets and text in HTML.

What is the default margin of a block element?

The answer is simple: both margins are set to zero, and the width is made as wide as possible. This result is the same as the default situation when there are no values explicitly declared for margins or the width. In such a case, the margins default to zero (0) and the width defaults to auto.

What is the default margin in CSS?

By default, the left and right margins of a text element are set to 0 , but they all come with a margin-top and margin-bottom .

How do you get rid of body padding?

All you need to do is give your HEADER tag a 1px border, aswell as setting the BODY MARGIN to zero, as shown below. You may also need to change the MARGIN to zero for any H1, H2, etc. elements you have within your HEADER div. This will get rid of any extra space which may show around the text.

How do you remove padding?

Remove padding between cells inside the table. Just use cellpadding=0 and cellspacing=0 attributes in table tag. It should be better to use CSS instead of deprecated attributes.

What is padding vs margin?

6 days ago
In CSS, a margin is the space around an element’s border, while padding is the space between an element’s border and the element’s content. Put another way, the margin property controls the space outside an element, and the padding property controls the space inside an element.

How do I get rid of the bottom margin in HTML?

Removing the space between your content and your footer

  1. Click the first element on the page (i.e. a Section or Image)
  2. Look for the Margins setting in the Settings section of the right sidebar.
  3. Disable the “linked axis” option.
  4. Set a negative margin on the bottom (i.e. -50px)

What does initial mean CSS?

The initial CSS keyword applies the initial (or default) value of a property to an element. It can be applied to any CSS property. This includes the CSS shorthand all , with which initial can be used to restore all CSS properties to their initial state. On inherited properties, the initial value may be unexpected.

Can we give padding in negative values?

No. Padding only takes positive values. Negatives are ignored or treated as 0, which would have the same effect: none.

Does UL have padding?



      elements have a top and bottom margin of 16px ( 1em ) and a padding-left of 40px ( 2.5em .)

What is padding inline start?

The padding-inline-start CSS property defines the logical inline start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element’s writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.