What is the yo form of ganar?

What is the yo form of ganar?

Ganar is a Spanish verb meaning to win, to earn. Ganar is conjugated as a regular ar verb in the preterite tense….Ganar Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo gané
él/ella ganó
nosotros/as ganamos
vosotros/as ganasteis

What is the conjugation of Conducir?

Present Tense Conjugation of Conducir

Subject Pronouns Conducir Conjugation Translation
yo conduzco I drive/I am driving
conduces you drive/you are driving
él, ella, usted conduce he/she/drives/you (formal) are driving
nosotros/nosotras conducimos we drive/we are driving

What is Descansar in the yo form?

To talk about all this in Spanish, you need the verb descansar (pronounced: dehs-kahn-SAHR), which means ‘to rest’….

Subject Pronouns Present Simple Preterite
yo descanso descansé
descansas descansaste
él/ella usted descansa descansó
nosotros nosotras descansamos descansamos

What does ganar mean?

to win
Ganar often means “to win” or “to earn” and usually refers to having an accomplishment. The noun form is often used in the plural, ganas, and usually refers to a desire.

What is the present progressive of ganar?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb ganar in Present Progressive tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo estoy ganando
Tu estás ganando
El/Ella está ganando
Nosotros estamos ganando

What is the present perfect of ganar?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb ganar in Present Perfect tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo he ganado
Tu has ganado
El/Ella ha ganado
Nosotros hemos ganado

How do you conjugate conducir in present tense?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb conducir in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo conduzco
Tu conduces
El/Ella conduce
Nosotros conducimos

What is conducir?

(to) drive, (to) ride, drive.

Is Descansar regular or irregular?

Additional information

Is it irregular? Is it reflexive? What is the past participle?
No No descansado

Is Descansar imperfect or preterite?

Descansar: Imperfect Tense Conjugation Chart | Spanish Verb Conjugations | Live Lingua.

What do we call Gano in English?

hernia. Last Update: 2020-02-10.