What is another word for energy consumption?

What is another word for energy consumption?

What is another word for energy-consuming?

heavy arduous
hard physical
laborious demanding
difficult exacting
backbreaking strenuous

What are two synonyms for consume?

synonyms for consume

  • absorb.
  • deplete.
  • devour.
  • dominate.
  • drain.
  • eat up.
  • employ.
  • exhaust.

What is the synonym word for energy?

Some common synonyms of energy are force, might, power, and strength.

Which of the following best describes world energy consumption?

1. Which of the following best describes world energy consumption? Explanation: World energy consumption is the total energy produced and used by humanity.

What is energy consumption?

Energy consumption refers to ALL the energy used to perform an action, manufacture something or simply inhabit a building. Let’s look at a few examples: In a factory, total energy consumption can be measured by looking at how much energy a production process consumes, for example, by making car parts.

What is the meaning of power consumption?

Power consumption is the amount of energy used per unit time. Power consumption is of great importance in digital systems. The battery life of portable systems such as cell phones and laptop computers is limited by power consumption.

What do u mean by consumption?

consumption, in economics, the use of goods and services by households. Consumption is distinct from consumption expenditure, which is the purchase of goods and services for use by households.

What is the synonym and antonym of consume?

consume. Antonyms: reject, supersede, disuse, discard. Synonyms: use, appropriate, burn, oat up, devour, spend, squander, assimilate, occupy, absorb, employ, utilize, waste, destroy, spoil, ravage, expend, pine, wither, decay.

What is another word for energy source?

What is another word for energy source?

fuel combustible
propellant kindling
material juice
power source heat source
source of energy

What is a vocabulary word for energy?

synonyms: vigor, vigour, zip. types: athleticism, strenuosity. intense energy. type of: force, forcefulness, strength.

What is the meaning of energy consumption?

Energy consumption is the amount of energy or power used.

What is the total world energy consumption?

580 million trillion joules
The annual global energy consumption is estimated to 580 million terajoules. That’s 580 million trillion joules or about 13865 million tons of oil equivalents.