Why do a subtotal hysterectomy?

Why do a subtotal hysterectomy?

Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy requires less mobilization of the bladder and minimizes the risk of injury to the ureters. The subtotal procedure is also associated with lower rates of wound infection, hematoma,8 and symptomatic vault granulation.

When is a subtotal hysterectomy performed?

A subtotal hysterectomy involves removing the main body of the womb and leaving the cervix in place. This procedure is not performed very often. If the cervix is left in place, there’s still a risk of cervical cancer developing and regular cervical screening will still be needed.

What are the benefits of having a partial hysterectomy?

In a partial hysterectomy, the surgeon removes the upper portion of your uterus and leaves your cervix intact. This type of hysterectomy is the least disruptive to the body, and it can be an effective treatment for cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and other conditions.

What is the difference between subtotal and total hysterectomy?

Total hysterectomy involves removal of the body and the neck (cervix) of the womb, while subtotal hysterectomy concerns with the removal of only the body of the womb, leaving the cervix behind.

What is subtotal hysterectomy?

Listen to pronunciation. (sub-TOH-tul HIS-teh-REK-toh-mee) Surgery to remove the uterus, but not the cervix. Also called partial hysterectomy and supracervical hysterectomy.

What happens after a subtotal hysterectomy?

People who undergo a subtotal hysterectomy may continue to have a light period for a year after the procedure. This happens because small amounts of the endometrial lining can remain in the cervix, causing light periods.

What are side effects of partial hysterectomy?

Short-term hysterectomy side effects can include pain, bleeding, discharge, and constipation. A person may also temporarily experience menopause-like symptoms, such as hot flashes.

Can a subtotal hysterectomy be done vaginally?

Subtotal hysterectomy may be preferred to excision of the entire uterus in certain circumstances, and may be carried out vaginally. Vaginal myomectomy allows for a more thorough myomectomy and stronger uterine repair than a laparoscopic procedure, as well as avoiding abdominal wounds.

Does having a partial hysterectomy make you gain weight?

While a hysterectomy isn’t directly linked to weight loss, it may be related to weight gain in some people. A 2009 prospective study suggests that premenopausal women who’ve had a hysterectomy without the removal of both ovaries have a higher risk for weight gain, compared with women who haven’t had the surgery.

What should I expect after a subtotal hysterectomy?

You should be feeling more or less back to normal after 2 to 3 months. Regular exercise should help you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Before you start exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice. Most women make a good recovery and return to normal activities.

Does your stomach shrink after hysterectomy?

Internal lower abdominal and pelvic swelling can take a number of months to subside after a hysterectomy. Abdominal hysterectomy and abdominal incisions can cause the deep abdominal muscles to stop working. When these muscles stop working, this can make your belly look floppy and larger in size.